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Where did I leave my data? A practical approach to Cybersecurity

Paula Cespedes Quirós
Monarch Business Consulting IT Governance Specialist


Executive with extensive experience at the regional level in the management and application of Information and Telecommunications Technologies (ICTs) in service companies and the regulated sector. He has led transformation processes in at least 100 companies in his 30 years of work. Master Cum Laude in Information Technology Administration, Information Systems Engineer and Project Management Professional (PMP). He has trained in systems thinking and organizations that learn with Pegasus in conferences and workshops in Seattle and Boston (US) and has a specialization in Digital Transformation from MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


During the pandemic, there is an acceleration in the use of information technologies in our daily activities, which increases crimes that use social engineering as the main method of attack. You know how these criminals act, what are the main methods they use, and that many companies have had financial debacles due to a click of a user.

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