Bienvenid@ a BMI en Línea, nuestra plataforma virtual de contenido especializado

Director: Dr. Andrea Gutierrez Guardiola

With more than 16 years of experience, our psychologist Andrea Gutiérrez is the recipient of a master's degree in educational psychology, specialized in family, child and couples therapies, with certifications in techniques such as: biomagnetism, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and is a facilitator of experiential processes .

She is certified as an International Instructor in the ThetaHealing technique by Vianna Stibal, its creator and internationally certified as an Authorized “Heal Your Life” Instructor for workshops based on the philosophy of Luise L. Hay. She is also a family constellator and participated in the last Latin American event of Bert Hellinger, creator of the technique.

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